Typeerror: document must be an instance of dict, bson.son.son, bson.raw_bson.rawbsondocument, or a type that inherits from collections.mutablemapping

Error: TypeError

The error message “document must be an instance of dict, bson.son.son, bson.raw_bson.rawbsondocument, or a type that inherits from collections.mutablemapping” typically occurs when trying to perform an operation on a document variable that is not of the correct type.


In Python, the error message indicates that the document object being used must be an instance or subclass of dict, bson.son.SON, bson.raw_bson.RawBSONDocument, or a type that inherits from collections.MutableMapping. This requirement usually arises in scenarios where working with MongoDB or BSON data.


  1. Example 1:

    document = 123
    result = document['key']

    In this example, the variable document is assigned the integer value 123 instead of a valid document type. When trying to access the value associated with the key 'key', a TypeError will be raised because an integer does not support item access like a dictionary or mapping type would.

  2. Example 2:

    import bson
    document = bson.int64.Int64(42)
    result = document['key']

    Here, the bson.int64.Int64 type from the PyMongo library is used, which is not a valid document type. Similar to the previous example, attempting to access 'key' from document will generate a TypeError.


To resolve this error, ensure that the document variable is assigned a valid document object, such as a dictionary or an appropriate subclass. Make sure the variable is not mistakenly assigned a different type.

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