[Django]-TypeError at /registration __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'null'


Form fields don’t have null or blank arguments. Those are for model fields only. For form fields, you just have required.

However, you should really be using a ModelForm which will create the form fields for you from the model, and allow you to save it afterwards.


Not positive, but I don’t think you can use null=True or blank=True on a forms.CharField(), you are passing null as a parameter to the init() of the forms.CharField and the interpreter is throwing this error. Try removing null=True from:

Change your forms to:

class UserForm(forms.Form ):
email = forms.EmailField()
address = forms.CharField(max_length=50)
country = forms.CharField(max_length=20)

Per the django site Django Form Fields, CharField has two optional arguments for validation: max_length and min_length, along with required.

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