[Django]-TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'decimal.Decimal' and 'dict'


highest_bid is a dictionary that maps the name of the aggregate to a value, so for example { 'bid_input__max': Decimal('14.25') }, you can thus unwrap the value from the dictionary by subscripting:

highest_bid = Bid.objects.filter(

but likely this will not give you the expected value. You filter on id=id, so that means the queryset spans one records. You probably want to filter over the bid_item_id=id or something similar:

highest_bid = Bid.objects.filter(

based on your comment, it is possible that there is no bid yet. In that case, it will return a None. We can use zero instead with:

highest_bid = Bid.objects.filter(
).aggregate(Max('bid_input'))['bid_input__max']  or Decimal('0')

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