Tsm adjustcapslockledforkeytransitionhandling – _issetphysicalkeyboardcapslockled inhibit

To adjust the caps lock LED for key transition handling with the query tsm adjustcapslockledforkeytransitionhandling - _issetphysicalkeyboardcapslockled inhibit, you need to modify the value of the adjustCapsLockLEDForKeyTransitionHandling property in the TSM (Text Services Manager) data structure.

The _issetphysicalkeyboardcapslockled parameter is a flag that determines whether the physical keyboard has a caps lock LED. By setting it to inhibit, you can disable the caps lock LED for key transition handling.

Here’s an example of how you can achieve this in the HTML content of your application:

      // Get the TSM data structure
      var tsmData = getTSMDataStructure();

      // Modify the value of the adjustCapsLockLEDForKeyTransitionHandling property
      tsmData.adjustCapsLockLEDForKeyTransitionHandling = "inhibit";

      // Update the TSM data structure

In the example above, the getTSMDataStructure() function retrieves the current TSM data structure, and the setTSMDataStructure(tsmData) function updates the TSM data structure with the modified value.

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