[Django]-Trying to make a PostgreSQL field with a list of foreign keys in Django


You can’t create an array of foreign keys. It is not a Django limitation, it is a PostgreSQL "limitation".

The reason is that a foreign key is not a type, it is a constraint on a field. An array of foreign keys does not make any sense.

The general approach to achieve this is to use an intermediate table that will be used as a link between two others :

Authors(id, name)
Books(id, title, pub_date)
BookAuthors(id, book_id, author_id)

In the above exemple, BookAuthors.book_id is a foreign key to Books.id and BookAuthors.author_id is a foreign key to Authors.id. Thus, the table BookAuthors is used to match an author with a book and vice versa.

Django abstracts this intermediate table with ManyToManyField fields:

class Authors(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(...)

class Books(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(...)
    pub_date = models.DateField(...)
    authors = models.ManyToManyField('my_app.Authors',

Behind the scenes, Django will create the intermediate table.

Then, you can get all authors of a book using book.authors.all(), or all books authored by an author using author.authored_books.all().


You have to use ManyToManyField, ArrayField can’t be related with another model.

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