[Solved]-Trying to compare non-ordered queryset against more than one ordered values django


From docs:

By default, the comparison is also ordering dependent. If qs doesn’t provide an implicit ordering, you can set the ordered parameter to False, which turns the comparison into a collections.Counter comparison. If the order is undefined (if the given qs isn’t ordered and the comparison is against more than one ordered values), a ValueError is raised.

You are comparing a QuerySet with a list. List has an ordering but Queryset doesn’t.

So you can either convert QuerySet to list

queryset = vote_form.cleaned_data['choice']
self.assertQuerysetEqual(list(queryset), ['<Choice: First choice>', ...])

or pass ordered=False to assertQuerysetEqual.

queryset = vote_form.cleaned_data['choice']
self.assertQuerysetEqual(list(queryset), ['<Choice: First choice>', ...], ordered=False)

Reordering Queryset before comparing should also work.

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