[Answer]-Trouble getting getJSON to display values from array



you should be using error log to check what is going wrong:and always use index,obj format in $.each to be safe.

 $.getJSON(url).success( function( data ) {
    $.each(data.itemList, function (index, item) {
    a.push("<li>" + item.title + "</li>");
    $("<ul/>", {html: a.join(" ")}).appendTo("#anchor");

                    console.log(error);// see if you are getting in error log..

and your json data is also wrong it should be something like this:

{ "key1": "val1",
 "key2": "val2",
"title": "title", "author": "author", "id": 100, "slug": "slug" 


try with corrected data it will work.
you can check your data here:http://json.parser.online.fr/


I saw the problems in your code when you using

 $.each() //It should using for dictionary.

So I have two solutions for you

1) You can use forEach method.


`if(data != null && data.itemList.length > 0)
    data.itemList.forEach(function (item) {
                       a.push("<li>" + item.title + "</li>");

==> This way will work for IE 10+, and the other browers.

2) Using the $.each method


if(data != null && data.itemList.length > 0)
   $.each(data.itemList, function (key, item) {
            a.push("<li>" + item.title + "</li>");

==> Your Json data is dictionary type, so if you use $.each you need to define two variable with

key: is the key of data.
item: is the value of data.

Note: this way will be worked for all browers version.

Hope this can helps you.


It’s because your ‘item’ is an index, not an ‘object’ as you want. you have to use the second parameter:

$.each(data.itemList, function (index, item) {
        a.push("<li>" + item.title + "</li>");

also, where is hasNextPage defined? is it defined? you might also shorten that to:

if (!hasNextPage) return;

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