Tring to get data into chart.js from Javascript or PHP


You can build your var pieData object in your php code โ€“

$result = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT Dealaytype, COUNT(1) as cnt FROM delays
GROUP BY Delaytype; ");

$pieData = array();

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
    $pieData[] = array('value'=>$row['cnt'], 'color'=>'some color');    

and then use it in your js code

<canvas id='buy'></canvas>

 var pieData = <?php echo json_encode($pieData); ?>;

var pieOptions = { 
segmentShowStroke : false,
animateScale : true
var countries = document.getElementById("buy").getContext("2d");

new Chart(countries).Pie(pieData, pieOptions);

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