This is going to be a very general type of answer since you are not providing your models or your views, but I think the idea would be the following.
First, in your template you can pass a parameter for the course number in the url:
<a class="btn btn-outline-secondary"
href="{% url 'study:course-session' course.pk %}">
{{ course.subject }} {{ course.number}}-{{course.name}}
Then in your view you can access that value, and from it get the course:
def the_view_name(request, course_pk):
# Here you now have access to the course's primary key, pk, so you can get the
# course and filter the study sessions by that course, etc...
You will need to modify the urls.py so the view can accept this new parameter:
path('the_view_name/<int:course_pk>', views.the_view_name, name='the_view_name'),
Make the following changes:
First to your views.py:
def CourseSessionView(request, course_pk):
course_wanted = Course.objects.get(id=course_pk)
return messages.error(request, 'course not found')
study_sessions = Study.objects.filter(course=course_wanted)
if study_sessions.count() < 1:
return messages.error(request, 'There are no upcoming study sessions at this time for the requested course')
context = {
'study_sessions': study_sessions,
return render(request, 'study/your_template_file.html', context)
Then in your html
<h1><center>Upcoming Study Sessions</center></h1>
<a class="btn btn-success" style="position:absolute; margin-right:2px; top:15%; right:0;" href="{% url 'study:courses' %}" role="button" >Back to My Courses</a>
<div class="container h-100" style="top:50%; bottom:50%; width:100%;">
{% for session in study_sessions %}
<div class="row">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" >Date/Time: {{ session.date }} <br> Location: {{ session.location }} </button>
{% endfor %}
The function based views’ name doesn’t require to be inPascalCase
as in your case, it should be insnake_case
The page that show the user’s courses, there you need to pk
of courses:
<div class="container h-100" style="top:50%; bottom:50%; width:100%;">
<div class="row">
{% if courses_list %}
{% for course in courses_list %}
<a type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" href="{% url 'study:course-session' course.pk %}" >{{ course.subject }} {{ course.number}}-{{course.name}} </a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<p class="text-center">You have not added any courses yet!</p>
{% endif %}
Your view for the template, i am defining it in snake_case
, since its recommended way.
def course_session(request, course_pk):
course_wanted = Course.objects.get(id=course_pk)
study_courses= Study.objects.filter(course=course_wanted)
messages.error(request, 'There are no upcoming study sessions at this time for the requested course.')
return render(request,'anyfolder/anyfile.html',{'study_courses':study_courses})
return render(request,'anyfolder/anyfile.html') #then it will show only your error message.
Your url
in urls.py be like:
path('any_route_name/<int:course_pk>/', views.course_session, name='course_session')
Never forget to pass/
at the end of yoururl
Then, in your any template
file you can access it and run loop:
{% for study in study_courses %}
{% endfor %}
Then, you can access all its properties, and take benefit of ManyToOne
- [Answered ]-Update is creating new entry rather than updating it
- [Answered ]-Django REST Framework after PUT/PATCH action