Temporary solution – close connection, if error happened in it. For it, let’s create class inspired by momoko.Op
class OpWithFallback(gen.Task):
Run a single asynchronous operation.
Behaves like `tornado.gen.Task`_, but raises an exception (one of Psycop2's
exceptions_) when an error occurs related to Psycopg2 or PostgreSQL.
Closes connection with error.
.. _exceptions: http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/module.html#exceptions
.. _tornado.gen.Task: http://www.tornadoweb.org/documentation/gen.html#tornado.gen.Task
def get_result(self):
(result, error), _ = super(OpWithFallback, self).get_result()
if error:
self.fallback(error, result)
return result
def fallback(self, error, result):
log.warning('Closing dead connection or connection with idle transaction: %s' % result.connection)
raise error
And let’s use it like:
result = yield OpWithFallback(self.db.execute, sql, [])