The cause of the import error is easily found, in the backtrace of the ImportError exception.
When you look in the backtrace, you’ll see that the module has been imported before. One of it’s imports imported something else, executed main code, and now imports that first module. Since the first module was not fully initialized (it was still stuck at it’s import code), you now get errors of symbols not found. Which makes sense, because the main code of the module didn’t reach that point yet.
Common causes in Django are:
Importing a subpackage from a totally different module,
from mymodule.admin.utils import ...
This will load
first, which likely imports a while load of other packages (e.g. models, admin views). The admin view gets initialized withadmin.site.register(..)
so the constructor could start importing more stuff. At some point that might hit your module issuing the first statement.I had such statement in my middleware, you can guess where that ended me up with.
Mixing form fields, widgets and models.
Because the model can provide a “formfield”, you start importing forms. It has a widget. That widget has some constants from .. er… the model. And now you have a loop. Better import that form field class inside the
def formfield()
body instead of the global module scope. -
that refers to constants ofmodels.py
After all, the model needs the manager first. The manager can’t start importing
because it was still initializing. See below, because this is the most simple situation. -
instead ofugettext_lazy
.When you use
, the translation system needs to initialize. It runs a scan over all packages inINSTALLED_APPS
, looking for alocale.XY.formats
package. When your app was just initializing itself, it now gets imported again by the global module scan.Similar things happen with a scan for plugins, search_indexes by haystack, and other similar mechanisms.
Putting way too much in
.This is a combination of points 1 and 4, it stresses the import system because an import of a subpackage will first initialize all parent packages. In effect, a lot of code is running for a simple import and that increases the changes of having to import something from the wrong place.
The solution isn’t that hard either. Once you have an idea of what is causing the loop, you remove that import statement out of the global imports (on top of the file) and place it inside a function that uses the symbol. For example:
# models.py:
from django.db import models
from mycms.managers import PageManager
class Page(models.Model)
objects = PageManager()
# ....
# managers.py:
from django.db import models
class PageManager(models.Manager):
def published(self):
from mycms.models import Page # Import here to prevent circular imports
return self.filter(status=Page.PUBLISHED)
In this case, you can see models.py
really needs to import managers.py
; without it, it can’t do the static initialisation of PageManager
. The other way around is not so critical. The Page
model could easily be imported inside a function instead of globally.
The same applies to any other situation of import errors. The loop may include a few more packages however.
One of the common causes of circular imports in Django is using foreign keys in modules that reference each other. Django provides a way to circumvent this by explicitly specifying a model as a string with the full application label:
# from myapp import MyAppModel ## removed circular import
class MyModel(models.Model):
myfk = models.ForeignKey(
'myapp.MyAppModel', ## avoided circular import
See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/fields/#foreignkey
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What I normally do when I encounter an import error is to work my way backwards. I’d get some “cannot import xyz from myproject.views” error, even though xyz exists just fine. Then I do two things:
I grep my own code for every import of myproject.views and make a (mental) list of modules that import it.
I check if I import one of those matching modules in views.py in turn. That often gives you the culprit.
A common spot where it can go wrong is your models.py. Often central to what you’re doing. But make sure you try to keep your imports pointing AT models.py instead of away from it. So import models from views.py, but not the other way around.
And in urls.py, I normally import my views (because I get a nice immediate import error when I make a mistake that way). But to prevent circular import errors, you can also refer to your views with a dotted path string. But this depends on what you’re doing in your urls.py.
A comment regarding placement of imports: keep them at the top of the file. If they’re spread out you’ll never get a clear picture of which module imports what. Just putting them all at the top (nicely sorted) could already help you pinpoint problems. Only import inside functions if necessary for solving a specific circular import.
And make your imports absolute instead of relative. I mean “from myproject.views import xyz” instead of “from views import xyz”. Making it absolute combined with sorting the list of imports makes your imports more clear and neat.
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Just transforming the comment above in an answer…
If you have circular import, python -vv
does the trick. Other way would be to overload the module loader (there’s a link somewhere but I can’t find it just now). Update: you can probably do it with the ModuleFinder
The silent failure happens because you have multiple modules with the same name. Then, python import order (based on pythonpath) is the reference. Oh, when/if you change the name, make sure you remove the .pyc
too (it happened to me several times)
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It can help to visualize the module dependencies using pyreverse
Install pylint
is integrated in pylint
) and graphviz
(for generating png
apt-get install graphviz
pip install pylint
Then generate image with modules dependency graph for modules in <folder>
pyreverse -o png <folder>
Ideally the dependency graph should flow from bottom up without any circles:
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