The input method toggled cursor monitoring on

The input method toggled cursor monitoring on means that the cursor is being tracked or monitored as you type or interact with an input field.

When the cursor monitoring is toggled on, the program or system you are using can detect the position of the cursor and perform certain functions or actions based on that information.

For example, let’s say you are using a text editor that has toggled cursor monitoring on. As you type, the program can track the position of the cursor and provide suggestions or auto-complete the text based on the context of the cursor’s location.

Another example could be a web form with multiple input fields. When the cursor is in a certain field, the program can validate the input in real-time or show/hide additional options or instructions based on the cursor position.

Cursor monitoring can also be useful in accessibility features. For users with disabilities, the cursor position can be used to provide audio feedback or highlight certain elements on the screen for better navigation.

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