The body might complete normally, causing ‘null’ to be returned, but the return type, ‘widget’, is a potentially non-nullable type.

In the given query, the body is expected to complete normally and return a value of “null”. However, the return type is declared as a “widget” which is potentially non-nullable. This indicates that the return value should not be null.

To handle this situation, there are a few options:

  1. Change the return type to be nullable, by appending a “?” to the type declaration. For example, if the original return type is “widget”, you can change it to “widget?” to allow null as a valid return value. This can be useful if null is a valid and expected return value for the function.

              function getWidget(): widget? {
                // function body
  2. Modify the function logic to ensure that a non-null value is always returned. Depending on the specific requirements, this could involve handling edge cases, adding conditional statements, or applying default values. Here’s an example:

              function getWidget(): widget {
                const result = // function body
                // If the result is null, return a default widget instead
                if (result === null) {
                  return getDefaultWidget();
                // If the result is not null, return it as-is
                return result;
  3. Throw an exception or error if the function encounters a null value and it’s not supposed to. This can be done using the “throw” keyword along with a specific error message. Here’s an example:

              function getWidget(): widget {
                const result = // function body
                // Throw an error if the result is null
                if (result === null) {
                  throw new Error("Widget cannot be null");
                // If the result is not null, return it as-is
                return result;

Same cateogry post

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