[Django]-The 'photo' attribute has no file associated with it


I solved this using an answer of Stackoverflow, in the Model:

def photo_url(self):
    if self.photo and hasattr(self.photo, 'url'):
        return self.photo.url

In the template, using default_if_none as for default url:

<img src="{{ person.photo_url|default_if_none:'#' }}" />

This actually provides me correct answers after lots of searching and spending many times.

Hope it will helps other to load images in the django template.


My dear friend, ohid’s solving is good but not enough because If user hasn’t profile picture you should show default image. So you can follow below steps:

Add this method to your person model:

def get_photo_url(self):
    if self.photo and hasattr(self.photo, 'url'):
        return self.photo.url
        return "/static/images/user.jpg"

You can use any path (/media, /static etc.) but don’t forget putting default user photo as user.jpg to your path.

And change your code in template like below:

<img src="{{ person.get_photo_url }}" class="img-responsive thumbnail " alt="img">


Try returning the “full URL” by not calling the FileField field/property name without the .url part e.g. person.photo and not person.photo.url.

N/B: I have only tested it on a REST API in a DRF(djangorestframework) serializer class am not sure if it’ll work for django template’s but it’s worth a try


May be your ImageField is not getting any image at some point, but somewhere else you are trying to use the path of the image(which is non-existent). Others have also pointed the same thing. This can happen in the template {{ post.post_image.url }} or in the views.py or even in the models.py when you are trying to preprocess the image before saving the image. Where ever you are using it be careful and use try-except block.

from PIL import Image     # I was using pillow to pre-process
def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
    super().save(*args, **kwargs)
        img = Image.open(self.post_image.path)
        print("Do something.. break or return")


Delete all the previous records which have no image attribute or use

<img src="{{ person.photo_url|default_if_none:'#' }}" />

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