Test suite failed to run jest worker encountered 4 child process exceptions, exceeding retry limit


When running a test suite with Jest, it uses worker processes to parallelize the tests and increase efficiency. Each worker process runs a portion of the test suite. However, there might be situations where the worker processes encounter exceptions and fail to complete their tasks.

In this case, the error message suggests that the test suite failed to run because the Jest worker encountered 4 child process exceptions, which exceeded the retry limit.

When a worker process encounters an exception, Jest usually retries running the test with a new worker process. This retrying process continues until the retry limit is reached. If the number of exceptions encountered by the worker processes exceeds this retry limit, the test suite fails to run.

There can be various reasons for the child process exceptions, such as syntax errors in your test files or incompatible dependencies. To resolve this issue, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the error logs or console output for more specific information about the exceptions encountered by the worker processes. This will help pinpoint the exact cause of the failures.
  2. Make sure your test files have correct syntax and do not have any errors. Check for any syntax errors, missing imports, or incorrect function usage.
  3. Ensure that all the dependencies required by your test suite are installed and compatible with your Jest version. Update any outdated dependencies if needed.
  4. If you have recently made changes to your code or dependencies, try running the tests in isolation to determine if a specific test or dependency is causing the issue. You can use the --testNamePattern flag with the specific test file or test name to run only that test and narrow down the problem.
  5. Consider running Jest with the --detectOpenHandles flag to detect any unclosed resources or handles that might be causing the exceptions.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issues that are causing the worker processes to encounter exceptions and exceed the retry limit.


Let’s say you have a test suite with multiple test files, and when you run the tests, you see the following error message:

Test suite failed to run: Jest worker encountered 4 child process exceptions, exceeding retry limit.

In this example, the test suite failed to run because the worker processes encountered 4 exceptions, which exceeded the retry limit. To determine the specific cause of these exceptions, you can check the error logs or console output for more details.

Suppose you find that the exceptions are caused by a syntax error in one of your test files. You can open the file and fix the syntax error, ensuring that all code is valid. Once the syntax error is resolved, you can rerun the test suite to see if the issue is resolved.

If the problem persists, you can explore other steps mentioned in the explanation to identify any other potential causes for the exceptions.

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