TeamCity Coverage
In TeamCity I cover Django in the following way
Create coverage report by call make ci_test
command use Makefile
VENV_PATH := $(HOME)/venv/bin
PROJ_NAME := my_awesome_project
# ...
ci_test: cover_test cover_report
$(VENV_PATH)/coverage run --source=$(PROJ_NAME) manage.py test -v 2 --noinput
$(VENV_PATH)/coverage report -m
$(VENV_PATH)/coverage html
$(VENV_PATH)/coverage-badge > htmlcov/coverage.svg
The cover_test
command runs the Django tests, and measures the coverage of the code. The cover_report
command prints a cover report to the console, and also generates an html report and, using the coverage-badge utility, generates a beautiful badge with the badge code coverage status .
After that, artifacts are collected in the TeamCity (tab General Settings
They are collected in a tab Artifacts
And available on CI server by path:
/repository/download/%teamcity.project.id%/%teamcity.build.id%:id/htmlcov /index.html
GitHub report coverage
Finally push GitHub hook to display build coverage state in repo:
Coverage Pending (before build)
curl "https://api.github.com/repos/$OWNER/$REPO/statuses/$SHA" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: token <GITHUB API TOKEN>" \
-d '{
"state": "pending",
"description": "Coverage pending.",
"context": "continuous-integration/coverage"
Coverage badge copy
DIR=$(dirname "${BADGE}")
mkdir -p $DIR
cp -f htmlcov/coverage.svg $BADGE
Coverage Finish hook
REPORT_URL="http://<YOU TEAMCITY DOMAIN>/repository/download/%teamcity.project.id%/%teamcity.build.id%:id/htmlcov/index.html";
COVERAGE=$(cat ./htmlcov/index.html | grep '<span class="pc_cov">' | grep -o '[0-9]\+');
if [ "$COVERAGE" -ge "85" ]; then
curl "https://api.github.com/repos/$OWNER/$REPO/statuses/$SHA" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: token <GITHUB API TOKEN>" \
-d '{
"state": "'$STATUS'",
"target_url": "'$REPORT_URL'",
"description": "Coverage '$COVERAGE'%",
"context": "continuous-integration/coverage"
Result in github:
Blog post about this ru
: https://maks.live/articles/drugoe/otchety-coverage-v-teamcity/
I use teamcity-nose with the following configuration in settings.py:
TEST_RUNNER = 'django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner'
NOSE_ARGS = ['-v', '-s', '--rednose', '--with-selenium',]
if os.getenv('TEAMCITY_PROJECT_NAME') is not None:
# whatever special teamcity settings you might have go here
My build step that does the testing looks like this:
. /opt/teamcity/virtualenvs/myproj/bin/activate
dropdb test_myproj-teamcity &> /dev/null # bug that is not destroying database
manage.py test
My project’s manage.py is on the path (I install in the virtualenv bin via setup.py)
so you will have to add the path if you do otherwise.
I never managed to add the coverage in the test itself as there are problems with package versioning, so with the latest coverage package i Just added it in an extra build step:
. /opt/teamcity/virtualenvs/myproj/bin/activate
coverage html --include=myproj/*.*
cloc . --out=./htmlcov/cloc.txt
You can then add a tab that includes the coverage html if you add this to your artifact:
I also add a tab with the line counter too, you will need to have cloc or the linecounter of your choice installed.
I also have an extra build configuration for deploying to staging server once a night via fab (just activate and fab as usual), and an extra build for automatically installing pip requirements if the pip files change, by adding this to the triggering rules for the “pip install -r requirements.pip” build:
And I add this to my test build so that it doesn’t run when pip and some other files change that don’t effect the build test:
- [Django]-Ignore changes in CharField "choices" during Django migration creation
- [Django]-Is there a default file upload size limit in django?
- [Django]-Django Rest Framework + AngularJS: Correct way for CSRF Protection?
- [Django]-How to use Django template tags and filters with jQuery?
- [Django]-Serializer field validation and how to check if value exist?