This is because they patched Tastypie to no longer send charset=utf-8 when content-type is application/json or text/javascript per https://github.com/toastdriven/django-tastypie/issues/717.
If you look into tastypie/utils/mime.py you will notice the following lines:
def build_content_type(format, encoding='utf-8'):
Appends character encoding to the provided format if not already present.
if 'charset' in format:
return format
if format in ('application/json', 'text/javascript'):
return format
return "%s; charset=%s" % (format, encoding)
You can either remove the two lines
if format in ('application/json', 'text/javascript'):
return format
or if you don’t want to modify the Tastypie source code, do what I did.
I noticed that build_content_type is used in create_response method of ModelResource, so I created a new ModelResource as a subclass of ModelResource and overrode the method.
from django.http import HttpResponse
from tastypie import resources
def build_content_type(format, encoding='utf-8'):
Appends character encoding to the provided format if not already present.
if 'charset' in format:
return format
return "%s; charset=%s" % (format, encoding)
class MyModelResource(resources.ModelResource):
def create_response(self, request, data, response_class=HttpResponse, **response_kwargs):
Extracts the common "which-format/serialize/return-response" cycle.
Mostly a useful shortcut/hook.
desired_format = self.determine_format(request)
serialized = self.serialize(request, data, desired_format)
return response_class(content=serialized, content_type=build_content_type(desired_format), **response_kwargs)
Then, I changed my resources to inherit from this class instead.
class MyResource(MyModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = MyObject.objects.all()