I had the similar issue. In my case, it was because I am using coffeescript in .vue
: lang="coffee"
The script was not converted to ES5, so I edited vue-loader.conf.js
to transpile the coffeescript.
I have built this project by vue-cli
+ vuejs-templates/webpack
exports.scriptLoaders = function (options) {
options = options || {}
const coffeeLoader = {
loader: 'coffee-loader',
options: {
transpile: {
presets: ['env', 'es2015']
const jsLoader = {
loader: 'babel-loader'
return {
js: jsLoader,
coffee: coffeeLoader
module.exports = {
loaders: Object.assign({},
sourceMap: isProduction
? config.build.productionSourceMap
: config.dev.cssSourceMap,
extract: isProduction
transformToRequire: {
video: 'src',
source: 'src',
img: 'src',
image: 'xlink:href'
This is the repo:
I didn’t use “babel-polyfill” at the end.
IE does not support arrow functions and ‘syntax error’ is logged in line:
boolean: val => (typeof val === 'string' ? val === '' || val === 'true' ? true : (val === 'false' || val === 'null' || val === 'undefined' ? false : val) : val),
in vendor file.