Looks like this is a known issue with Piston 0.2.3. You could apply this patch or just use version 0.2.2 by installing it as so:
pip install django-piston==0.2.2
I had the same issue, not sure what caused it, but to fix it, I uncommented the piston app out of my INSTALLED_APPS in settings, and it started working again, so it was something to do with loading piston. I’m going to remove piston from my site-packages directory and try to reload it, and see if that helps.
Also, while trying to find the answer to my question I came across a few sites with similar issues.
This site describes an issue related to __init__.py
This site describes circular imports as an issue.
And another one that I can’t find, mentioned something about not being able to load the files correctly from an app installed as an egg.
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