Swiftui fullscreencover transparent

Sure! Here’s the HTML code that demonstrates the use of SwiftUI’s `FullScreenCover` view modifier to create a transparent modal view:


Main Content

This is the main content of the page.




In this example, we have a simple layout with two main divs – one for the full-screen cover and one for the main content. The full-screen cover div contains a modal content div, which represents the transparent modal view. Initially, the full-screen cover div is hidden by using the `visibility` and `opacity` CSS properties.

The `showModal` JavaScript function is called when the “Show Modal” button is clicked. It adds the “active” class to the full-screen cover div, which triggers the CSS transition and makes it visible.

You can modify the content inside the modal as needed by adding more HTML elements within the modal content div. Additionally, you can adjust the CSS properties (e.g., background color, padding, etc.) to style the modal according to your preferences.

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