[Vuejs]-Stripe, Stripe Payments, Connect, Linked Account, Split Payment


The error message is referring to the connected account’s capabilities[1]. As the error says, you need to get the account enabled for transfers to be able to designate it as the destination for a destination charge.

To fix this, you can request this capability for the account if it has not been already[2] and direct your user to fill out the required info through stripe’s onboarding. You may also request capabilities when creating your accounts if you know they will be needed[3] in which case collecting data for them will be part of the initial onboarding flow.

[1] https://stripe.com/docs/connect/account-capabilities#transfers

[2] https://stripe.com/docs/connect/account-capabilities#requesting-unrequesting

[3] https://stripe.com/docs/connect/account-capabilities#creating

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