Static worker unexpectedly exited with code: null and signal: sigterm

The error message “static worker unexpectedly exited with code: null and signal: sigterm” indicates that a static worker process terminated unexpectedly without providing a specific exit code. The signal “SIGTERM” is a termination signal sent to a process to request its termination.

There can be various reasons for this error:

  • Insufficient system resources: The worker process may have been terminated due to running out of memory, CPU, or other system resources.
  • Bug or crash: There could be a bug or crash in the worker process code that caused it to terminate abruptly.
  • Timeout: If the worker process takes too long to respond or execute a task, it can be forcefully terminated by a predefined timeout.
  • Manual termination: The worker process may have been manually terminated by an administrator or user.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check system resources: Ensure that there are enough system resources available for the worker process to execute its tasks.
  2. Debug worker code: Review the worker code for any potential bugs or crashes. Use appropriate debug tools and techniques to identify and fix the issues.
  3. Optimize performance: If the worker process is taking too long to complete its tasks, consider optimizing the code or splitting the workload into smaller units.
  4. Implement proper error handling: Catch and handle any exceptions or errors that may occur during the execution of the worker process. This will prevent abrupt terminations and provide meaningful error messages.
  5. Monitor and handle timeouts: If the worker process is frequently timing out, consider adjusting the timeout settings or implementing mechanisms to handle long-running tasks.


const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

worker.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Received message from worker:',;

worker.onerror = function(error) {
  console.error('Error in worker:', error);

// Simulating worker termination without exit code
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);

In this example, a web worker is created using the Worker constructor. The worker listens for messages using the onmessage event handler and prints them to the console. If an error occurs in the worker, it is logged using the onerror event handler. After 5 seconds, the worker process is terminated using the terminate() method without providing an exit code.

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