So, if your plan is to sort the union of the two querysets, you have to use the sorted
method. I would go for something like:
sorted(chain(posts_type1, posts_type2),
key=lambda x: x.created_date if isinstance(x, PostType1)
else x.publish_date)
Each query can perform the sorting using order_by
posts_type1 = PostType1.objects.all().order_by('-created_date')
posts_type2 = PostType2.objects.all().order_by('-publish_date')
If you want the whole result to be sorted, you could use a custom iterator instead of chain
. An example for two models only (though not necessarily the cleanest one):
def chain_ordered(qs1, qs2):
next1 = qs1.next()
next2 = qs2.next()
while next1 is not None or next2 is not None:
if next1 is None: yield next2
elif next2 is None: yeild next1
elif next1 < next2:
yield next1
next1 = qs1.next()
except StopIteration:
next1 = None
yield next2
next2 = qs2.next()
except StopIteration:
next2 = None
StefanoP’s suggestion of using sorted
will work too, but AFAIK it will retrieve all items from database during the sorting, which may or may not be a concern to you.
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