Have you tried the Django tutorial? It is pretty basic, but touches on all important points required to develop your own basic app.
- [Django]-How to set PYTHONPATH on web server
- [Django]-Django modelfield, how do I get the actual value?
- [Django]-How to manually build a django `HttpRequest`
django-basic-apps contains a collection of apps you might enjoy reading.
Edit: Check out this good list of web services I found.
- [Django]-Django using curry to build formsets with custom form
- [Django]-Segmentation fault (core dumped) with django-storages
- [Django]-Doubled POST requests instead of single
As far as I know you can’t write facebook apps with Django. Facebook uses their own API and stuff. They are completely different.
And for the twitter API thingy I have an idea.
Develop a django app which can used to
scrap and backup tweets.The scenario is during any FOSS
conference, they are using a #hastag
to identify tweets related to that
conf. But after sometime these tweets
don’t show up even on search. For
example we used #inpycon2010 tag for
Pycon conf in India. But now when I
search for this tag, nothing shows up.
So what you can do allow users to
register a hastag and set a time
interval. Within that time interval
your app should scrap all the tweets
and backup them. The user should be
able to retreive from that later.
If you start this a foss project, I’m ready to jump in
- [Django]-How can I exclude rest-auth endpoint from the Django built-in API documentation?
- [Django]-Docker replicas vs gunicorn workers in production
- [Django]-Django Model API reverse lookup of many to many relationship through intermediary table