[Django]-Silence tqdm's output while running tests or running the code via cron


Example using the ‘disable’ parameter:

from tqdm import tqdm
import time

for i in tqdm(range(10), disable=True):


There is a disable argument which you can set to True to silence any tqdm output (and in fact it will totally skip the progress bar calculations too, not just the display).

To dynamically switch it, you can just add a commandline argument to your script that will define if disable is set or not. This should work for both unit testing and cron.


This is a very common use case when you need to globally disable all tqdm‘s output, desirably without changing the code in all places where it is used and which you probably do not control.

Starting version 4.66.0

Set environment variable TQDM_DISABLE=1.
Note that exact value of the variable does not matter, it just should be a non-empty string.

Older versions

Users need to patch tqdm in order to stop polluting logs. One of the shortest ways I found is probably this:

from tqdm import tqdm
from functools import partialmethod

tqdm.__init__ = partialmethod(tqdm.__init__, disable=True)

The idea is defaulting the already supported (but not sufficient) parameter of the initializer. It is not sufficient because you need to add it in each place where tqdm is instantiated, which you don’t want, that’s why we modify __init__ to make such a default.

The patch works independently of the order of imports and will affect all subsequently created tqdm objects.


Use mock.patch to replace tqdm in the code that’s using it with something like this:

def notqdm(iterable, *args, **kwargs):
    replacement for tqdm that just passes back the iterable
    useful to silence `tqdm` in tests
    return iterable

and in the test:

import mock


    @mock.patch('tested_code_module.tqdm', notqdm)
    def test_method(self):


Since version 4.66.0, the default tqdm arguments can be overridden using environment variables with the TQDM_-prefix followed by the parameter name. This means you can disable tqdm‘s output by setting the TQDM_DISABLE environment variable to 1 before importing tqdm or any modules that use it:

import os

os.environ["TQDM_DISABLE"] = "1"

# import tqdm and/or modules that use it here


Riffing off of this answer (thank you!), if you also use tqdm.write, this code should work to suppress those as well:

MODULE_TQDM = "tested_code_module.tqdm"

class NoTQDM:
    def __init__(self, iterable, *args, **kwargs):
        self.iterable = iterable

    def __iter__(self):
        for item in self.iterable:
            yield item

    def write(self, *args, **kwargs):

And then in the test:

from unittest import mock


    @mock.patch(MODULE_TQDM, NoTQDM)
    def test_method(self):

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