When you encounter the error message “signingconfig ‘release’ is missing required property ‘storefile'”, it means that your release build configuration is missing the required file for signing the APK. In order to generate a signed APK for release, you need to provide a keystore file (.jks) that contains the necessary keys and certificates.
To fix this error, you can follow these steps:
- Make sure you have the keystore file available. If you don’t have one, you can create it using the JDK’s keytool command-line utility or using Android Studio.
- Once you have the keystore file, you need to specify its location in your project’s build.gradle file. Open the file and locate the signingConfigs block:
- Inside the release block, add the storeFile property and provide the path to your keystore file:
- Replace “path/to/your/keystore.jks” with the actual path to your keystore file. You can use either an absolute path or a relative path from the project’s root directory.
- Save the build.gradle file and sync your project. Android Studio will now be able to find the keystore file and use it for signing the release build.
signingConfigs {
release {
// signing configuration for release build
// ...
signingConfigs {
release {
// signing configuration for release build
storeFile file('path/to/your/keystore.jks')
// ...
Here’s an example of how the signingConfigs block should look like after adding the storeFile property:
signingConfigs {
release {
storeFile file('path/to/your/keystore.jks')
storePassword 'your_keystore_password'
keyAlias 'your_key_alias'
keyPassword 'your_key_password'
Make sure to also provide the storePassword, keyAlias, and keyPassword properties if they are required for your keystore file.