Here is the view code, fully updated to work with python 3 and Boto3.
You might need to run
/Applications/Python\ 3.6/Install\ Certificates.command
from your mac command line if you are using python 3.6 and are getting ssl error issues when deleting file.
So it was not an aws or permission problem… but a python3 bytes / string issue.
Also there was a type coercion issue with this line which always returned false:
return bucket == settings.AWS_EXPECTED_BUCKET and parsed_max_size == settings.AWS_MAX_SIZE
which prevented the display of any meaningful error message.
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
import base64, hmac, hashlib, json
import boto3
# Enforce session to inject credentials
session = boto3.Session(
aws_access_key_id = settings.AWS_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY,
aws_secret_access_key = settings.AWS_SERVER_SECRET_KEY,
S3 = session.resource( 's3' )
def video_create_form( request ):
return render( request, 'video_create_form_view.html' )
def success_redirect_endpoint( request ):
""" This is where the upload will send a POST request after the
file has been stored in S3.
return make_response( 200 )
def handle_s3( request ):
""" View which handles all POST and DELETE requests sent by Fine Uploader
S3. You will need to adjust these paths/conditions based on your setup.
if request.method == "POST":
return handle_POST( request )
elif request.method == "DELETE":
return handle_DELETE( request )
return HttpResponse( status = 405 )
def handle_POST( request ):
""" Handle S3 uploader POST requests here. For files <=5MiB this is a simple
request to sign the policy document. For files >5MiB this is a request
to sign the headers to start a multipart encoded request.
class MyEncoder( json.JSONEncoder ):
"""Converts a dict of bytes to Json"""
def default( self, obj ):
if isinstance( obj, (bytes, bytearray) ):
return obj.decode( "ASCII" ) # <- or any other encoding of your choice
# Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
return json.JSONEncoder.default( self, obj )
if request.POST.get( 'success', None ):
return make_response( 200 )
request_payload = json.loads( request.body )
headers = request_payload.get( 'headers', None )
if headers:
# The presence of the 'headers' property in the request payload
# means this is a request to sign a REST/multipart request
# and NOT a policy document
response_data = sign_headers( headers )
if not is_valid_policy( request_payload ):
return make_response( 400, { 'invalid': True } )
response_data = sign_policy_document( request_payload )
response_payload = json.dumps( response_data, cls = MyEncoder )
return make_response( 200, response_payload )
def handle_DELETE( request ):
""" Handle file deletion requests. For this, we use the Amazon Python SDK, boto.
if boto3:
bucket_name = request.GET.get( 'bucket' )
key_name = request.GET.get( 'key' )
S3.Object( bucket_name, key_name ).delete()
return make_response( 200 )
return make_response( 500 )
def make_response( status = 200, content = None ):
""" Construct an HTTP response. Fine Uploader expects 'application/json'.
response = HttpResponse()
response.status_code = status
response[ 'Content-Type' ] = "application/json"
response.content = content
return response
def is_valid_policy( policy_document ):
""" Verify the policy document has not been tampered with client-side
before sending it off.
# bucket = settings.AWS_EXPECTED_BUCKET
# parsed_max_size = settings.AWS_MAX_SIZE
bucket = ''
parsed_max_size = 0
for condition in policy_document[ 'conditions' ]:
if isinstance( condition, list ) and condition[ 0 ] == 'content-length-range':
parsed_max_size = condition[ 2 ]
if condition.get( 'bucket', None ):
bucket = condition[ 'bucket' ]
return bucket == settings.AWS_EXPECTED_BUCKET and int(
parsed_max_size ) == settings.AWS_MAX_SIZE
def sign_policy_document( policy_document ):
""" Sign and return the policy doucument for a simple upload.
policy_document_string = str.encode( str( policy_document ) )
policy = base64.b64encode( policy_document_string )
aws_secret_key = settings.AWS_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY
secret_key = str.encode( aws_secret_key )
signature = base64.b64encode(
hmac.new( secret_key, policy, hashlib.sha1 ).digest() )
return {
'policy' : policy,
'signature': signature
def sign_headers( headers ):
""" Sign and return the headers for a chunked upload. """
headers_bytes = bytearray( headers, 'utf-8' ) # hmac doesn't want unicode
aws_client_secret = str.encode( settings.AWS_CLIENT_SECRET_KEY )
return {
'signature': base64.b64encode(
hmac.new( aws_client_secret, headers_bytes, hashlib.sha1 ).digest() )