[Answered ]-Show fields in admin page only if user has specific rights



I may have found the answer. Instead of specifying the fieldsets variable at the beginning of the class, I can define the get_fieldsets method, in this way:


class ItemOrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    readonly_fields = [..., 'created', 'modified', 'refund_link']

    [other functions]

    def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None):
        fieldsets = [
            ('Actions', {'fields': ['created', 'modified', 'refund_link']}),
        if request.user.is_superuser:
            fieldsets[4][1]['fields'].append('refund_link')  # The 4 depends on the fieldsets structure.
        return fieldsets

    def refund_link(self, order):

Iโ€™ll wait a few hours before approving my answer, in case someone comes up with a better solution, or there are major flaws in mine.


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