[Fixed]-Show all field in OneToOneField field type


If I were you, I would change the structure so that Address could be an inline. In the models.py:

class Customer(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=64)

class Address(models.Model):
    costumer = models.OneToOneField(Costumer)
    address_line1 = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    address_line2 = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    address_line3 = models.CharField(max_length=64)
    post_code = models.CharField(max_length=5)

And then, in the admin.py:

class AddressInline(admin.StackedInline):
    model = Address
    extra = 1
    max_num = 1

class CostumerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [AddressInline]

admin.site.register(Costumer, CostumerAdmin)


for field in YourModelClass._meta.get_fields():
    # iterate through main model's fields
    if isinstance(field, OneToOneField):
        # if the field is an OneToOneField
        for field2 in YourModelClass._meta.get_field(field.name).related_model._meta.get_fields():
            # iterate through the OneToOneField's fields
            fieldname = field2.name
            fieldvalue = field2.value_from_object(getattr(instance, field.name))
            # getattr simulates instance.`field.name`
        fieldname = field.name
        fieldvalue = field.value_from_object(instance)

where YourModelClass is the model that contains more OneToOneField objects and/or other basic models. In the example above, it is Address, and instance is the instance of the model.

Please notice you don’t need the instance to get the field names, but you need it if you want to get the field value.

I use this code to convert an instance of a model into a context dictionary for dynamic settings, i’m not sure it’s the best solution.

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