[Vuejs]-Show a text field only if date of birth input is over eighteen years old


You can do that of multiple way, but to stay on yours.

  <DatePicker v-model="form.DOB" is-expanded update-on-input />
  <v-col v-if="userIsMajor">
    <v-text-field placeholder="ID" v-model="form.ID"></v-text-field>

export default {
  data() {
   return {
     form: {
      DOB: '',
  computed: {
    userIsMajor() {
     // moment() = the current date
     // diff calculate the difference between two date, the first argument is your date and the second the format you want
     // You don't really respond about the format, so i done it with a common format wich is YYYY-MM-DD
     return moment().diff(moment(this.form.DOB, 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'years')

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