This one is going to be very slow
data = MyModel.objects.filter(criteria=something)[index-50:]
Why because it translates into
SELECT * FROM myapp_mymodel OFFEST (index-50)
You are not enforcing any ordering here, so the server is going to have to calulcate the result set and jump to the end of it and that’s going to involve a lot of reading and will be very slow. Let us not forgot that count() queries aren’t all that hot either.
OTH, this one is going to be fast
data = MyModel.objects.filter(criteria=something).order_by('-pk')[:50]
You are reverse ordering on the primary key and getting the first 50. And the first 50 you can fetch equally quickly with
data = MyModel.objects.filter(criteria=something).order_by('pk')[:50]
So this is what you really should be doing
data1 = MyModel.objects.filter(criteria=something).order_by('-pk')[:50]
data2 = MyModel.objects.filter(criteria=something).order_by('pk')[:50]
The cost of ordering on the primary key is very low.