@kavanaugh-development solved this:
To completely remove remnant of the initial install, I had to remove the relevant djstripe rows from the migrations table. “If you don’t delete those rows, django will ignore the migration commands the second time around.”
DELETE FROM django_migrations WHERE app = 'djstripe';
Once I had done this, a fresh install of dj-stripe worked perfectly as it did the first time round:
I ran python manage.py migrate
, which
- re-created a few djstripe rows in
table -
also created (empty) tables required for dj-stripe:
djstripe_charge djstripe_charge_id_seq djstripe_currentsubscription djstripe_currentsubscription_id_seq djstripe_customer djstripe_customer_id_seq djstripe_event djstripe_event_id_seq djstripe_eventprocessingexception djstripe_eventprocessingexception_id_seq djstripe_invoice djstripe_invoice_id_seq djstripe_invoiceitem djstripe_invoiceitem_id_seq djstripe_plan djstripe_plan_id_seq djstripe_transfer djstripe_transfer_id_seq djstripe_transferchargefee djstripe_transferchargefee_id_seq
So the required tables are ready to be populated by the subsequent commands
(such as python manage.py djstripe_init_customers
So that’s a general (basic) lesson learned about migrations; hope this helps someone.