If you want to trigger something when the selected option changes, then you can do that with a watcher:
setup() {
const options = [ ... ];
const selectedOption = Vue.ref({ ... });
Vue.watch(selectedOption, () => {
// selectedOption changed
return {
If you want to customize the VSelect like you have in your first example, then you can replace the option component. But I believe Vuetify handles the active state already, so unless you need a specific design, you don’t need to touch it.
<v-select v-model="selectedOption" :items="options" item-title="state" item-value="abbr" label="Select" return-object single-line>
<template #item="{ item, props }">
<v-list-item v-bind="{ ...props, title: undefined }">
{{ item.value.abbr === selectedOption.abbr ? 'selected' : '' }} {{ item.title }}