state = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices=formfields.State, initial='FIXED')
As shown in documentation: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/fields/#initial
I came across this thread while looking for how to set the initial “selected” state of a Django form for a foreign key field, so I just wanted to add that you do this as follows:
class Thread(NamedModel):
topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
title = models.CharField(max_length=70, blank=False)
class ThreadForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Thread
fields = ['topic', 'title']
def createThread(request, topic_title):
topic = Topic.getTopic(topic_title)
threadForm = ThreadForm(initial={'topic': topic.id})
The key is setting initial={'topic': topic.id}
which is not well documented in my opinion.
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state = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices=formfields.State, initial='FIXED')
title = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Select(choices=formfields.State) , initial='FIXED')
toppings = forms.ChoiceField(
choices = formfields.State,
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If the other solutions dont work for you,Try this:
It turns out that ModelChoiceField has an attribute called empty_label.With empty _label you can enter a default value for the user to see.
Example: In forms.py
Class CreateForm(forms.ModelForm):
category = forms.ModelChoiceField(empty_label="Choose Category")
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Try the number:
state = forms.TypedChoiceField(choices = formfields.State, default = 2 )
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