[servicesdaemonmanager] interruptionhandler is called. -[fontservicesdaemonmanager connection]_block_invoke

When the interruptionhandler is called in the [servicesdaemonmanager], it triggers the [fontservicesdaemonmanager connection]_block_invoke function. Let’s understand this with an example.

Suppose we have a ServicesDaemonManager class that manages various services in our application. The interruptionhandler is a method within this class that handles interruptions or signals from the operating system. It could be invoked when the application receives a termination signal, an interruption from user actions, or any other kind of system signal that requires the manager to stop or pause the services it manages.

In the specific case mentioned, when the interruptionhandler is called, it invokes the [fontservicesdaemonmanager connection]_block_invoke function. The purpose of this function might be to handle any necessary cleanup or specific actions related to the font service managed by the ServicesDaemonManager. This could involve releasing resources, saving data, closing connections, or any other required tasks before the font service is interrupted or terminated.

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