[Django]-Serve static HTML in Django


You don’t need to write urls for every page. You can “capture” the requested page name from the url and render the page according to its value.

# urls.py
url(r'^page/(?P<page_name>\w+)/$', my_view)

# views.py
import os
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404

FTP_UPLOAD_DIR = '/path/to/directory/where/you/upload/files/'

def my_view(request, page_name):

    # check if requested page exists
    if os.path.exists(FTP_UPLOAD_DIR + page_name):
        # if yes, then serve the page
        with open(FTP_UPLOAD_DIR + page_name) as f:
            response = HttpResponse(f.read())
        return response

        raise Http404

Above, we are reading the file directly from the upload folder, so there’s no need for you to run collectstatic.


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