You don’t need to write urls for every page. You can “capture” the requested page name from the url and render the page according to its value.
# urls.py
url(r'^page/(?P<page_name>\w+)/$', my_view)
# views.py
import os
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
FTP_UPLOAD_DIR = '/path/to/directory/where/you/upload/files/'
def my_view(request, page_name):
# check if requested page exists
if os.path.exists(FTP_UPLOAD_DIR + page_name):
# if yes, then serve the page
with open(FTP_UPLOAD_DIR + page_name) as f:
response = HttpResponse(f.read())
return response
raise Http404
Above, we are reading the file directly from the upload folder, so there’s no need for you to run collectstatic