‘series’ object has no attribute ‘iterrows’

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  <h1>Attribute Error - 'series' object has no attribute 'iterrows'</h1>
  <p>This error occurs when trying to call the <code>iterrows()</code> method on a Pandas Series object.</p>
  <p>The <code>iterrows()</code> method is a DataFrame method in Pandas, not a Series method. It allows iterating over rows in a DataFrame. However, when called on a Series object, which represents a single column, the method is not available.</p>
  <div class="code">
    <pre><code>import pandas as pd

# Creating a Series object
my_series = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# Trying to use iterrows() on a Series 
for index, value in my_series.iterrows():
    print(index, value)
  <p>In the example above, we create a Series object called <code>my_series</code> with some values. Then, we try to use the <code>iterrows()</code> method on the Series. However, this results in an Attribute Error since Series objects do not have an <code>iterrows()</code> attribute.</p>
  <p>To iterate over values in a Series object, you can use a simple for loop or other applicable methods such as <code>itertuples()</code> or <code>tolist()</code> depending on your specific use case.</p>

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