DjangoJSONEncoder solved my problem.
import json
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
data = json.dumps(data, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
Django’s serializers are only meant to be used on query sets; you will have to find a different way to solve your problem, such as converting the datetime
to something else first.
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Whenever you see an error message of the form ... object has no attribute '_meta'
that is a clear-cut sign that a method was expecting a queryset but got something else. In this particular situation, serializers.serialize must have a queryset for its second argument. You can’t use a list, dictionary, etc., and definitely not a string.
Where is data
being set. Check to make sure it’s being assigned a true queryset. You might also want to post more of your code, if you’re still having issues. It’s difficult to diagnose the problem much more, out of context.
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