You can fix this problem like this. Сhange this place of code
{% load static from staticfiles %}
<a href="{%static pic.path %}" class="gallery">Photo</a>
And write like this
{% load staticfiles %}
And you can add css in static dir and include css in template
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'css/style.css' %}">
To answer to your question follow the steps
Create static files :
We create the static files to link the html files with this 3 files :
1/ CSS files
2/ JS files
3/ IMAGES files
How to create the static files ?
1/ Go to the project files and create a folder name it static.
static / CSS-JS-Images
2/ Go To the settings file and search for static after the STATIC_URL.
add this Two line:
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
STATICFILESDIRS = [ os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'here you type the direction of the static file') ]
Make sur that you’re import the OS library
3/ finally you should collect static, to do that go on the terminal and add this code :
python manage.py collectstatic
here you find how to load static on the html file.
add this code on the top of the page :
{% load static %}
add this code To link CSS file with Html.
<link reel = 'stylesheet' href = " {% static 'dir of css file.css' %} "
May that help you.