Normally when you change your site you will get a hit on your search result page rankings which will last for about 2-4 weeks.
Apex Internet has a good article on setting up the 301 redirects on both Apache, IIS, and other variants. Take a look here.
Steven Hargrove also has a good article on it here with a follow up here.
In addition, Webmaster World has a thread on the impact of the 301’s updating in Google, Yahoo and others as well as tips and a little more advice. Take a look at that here.
Lastly here is a article from Google Groups on Dynamic vs. Static URL’s that touches on changing structure and how it maps.
I was hoping I would have more information for you and a way to use the robots.txt file to help keep the rankings up when you start the migration. I’ll keep looking and see what I can find for you. Cheers and good luck!
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