[Vuejs]-Search bar in Vue flickr app not giving expected results


An error won’t be thrown if the flicker API doesn’t return any results.

In the UI you can let you users know they can provide a comma separated list of keywords, example cats, cat

You can also check no see if there are any results and display a message if none were found here is just one simple example implementation:

Relevant HTML

  <b-card-group columns v-if="Photos.length">
    <b-col v-for="photo in Photos" class="item" md="12">
      <b-card :title="photo.title"
              style="max-width: 20rem;"
        <span class="item-date">31 May 2017</span>
        <p>By <a :href="'https://www.flickr.com/photos/' + photo.author_id" :title="formatAuthor(photo.author)" target="_blank">{{ formatAuthor(photo.author) }}</a></p>
        <ul class="tags">
          <li v-for="tag in splitTags(photo.tags)" class="item-tag">
            <a :href="'https://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/' + tag" target="_blank" class="item-taglink">{{ tag }}</a>

  <b-col md="12" v-else-if="!Photos.length && errorMessage">

Relevant JS

data: function () {
    return {
        Photos: [],
        apiURL: "https://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?format=json",
        search: '',
        errorMessage: null

In both getFlickerFeed & watch: search:

if (err) {
  self.errorMessage = err.message;
else {
  self.Photos = data.items;
  if (self.Photos.length) {
    self.errorMessage = null;
  } else {
    self.errorMessage = 'No results found for: ' + self.search

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