Schema validation failed with the following errors: data path “/polyfills” must be string.


When performing schema validation, the error message “schema validation failed with the following errors: data path ‘/polyfills’ must be string” means that the value of the ‘/polyfills’ data path in the schema is expected to be a string, but it is not.

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the value of the ‘/polyfills’ data path is a string.


Let’s say you have a schema for a configuration object that requires a polyfills value to be a string:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "polyfills": {
      "type": "string"

Now, let’s say you have a configuration object that violates this schema by providing a non-string value for the ‘polyfills’ field:

  "polyfills": ["Promise", "fetch"]

This configuration object will result in the “schema validation failed with the following errors: data path ‘/polyfills’ must be string” error message. To fix this, you need to ensure that the ‘polyfills’ field contains a string value:

  "polyfills": "Promise, fetch"

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