[Answered ]-Save related models in one query



I don’t think you could save them at once because:

  1. They are instances that has foreign key relationships, so one wouldn’t exist before the other.

  2. They are 3 different model instances so it doesn’t make sense to combine them in one form.

If you just want to save the ones that are valid and reject the ones that are invalid, what you currently do is enough with one change, capturing the return value of save() function:

class CompanyCreate(JsonView):
    #JsonView write by me, contains some methods

    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
        data = json.loads(self.request.body)
        company_form = CompanyForm(data=data['company'])
        contacts_form = ContactForm(data=data['contacts'])
    if company_form.is_valid():
            company = company_form.save()
            if contacts.is_valid():
                contacts = contacts_form.save(commit=False)
                contacts.company = company
    return HttpResponse()

If you want “all or none” logic, meaning you either save everything if everything is valid, otherwise don’t save anything, you should exclude the foreign key on each ModelForm, so that when you valid the forms, they ignore the validation of existence of ForeignKey but not all other fields. See if that makes sense.

👤Shang Wang

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