Runtimewarning: coroutine ‘bot.send_message’ was never awaited

To format the answer as HTML content in a div without the body, H1, and HTML tags, you can use the following code:



When you see the warning “RuntimeWarning: coroutine ‘bot.send_message’ was never awaited”, it means that you are trying to call an asynchronous function without awaiting it.

In Python, coroutines are used for asynchronous programming, and they require the use of the ‘await’ keyword to wait for their completion.

To fix this warning, you need to make sure that the ‘send_message’ coroutine is awaited properly.


Here is an example where the warning occurs:

        async def my_function():


In the above example, the ‘my_function’ is calling the ‘bot.send_message’ coroutine without awaiting it, causing the warning.

To resolve the warning, you can make use of the ‘await’ keyword as follows:

        async def my_function():
            await bot.send_message("Hello")

        await my_function()

By using ‘await’ before calling the ‘bot.send_message’ coroutine and also awaiting ‘my_function’, you ensure that the coroutine is properly awaited, preventing the warning from occurring.


By enclosing the explanation and example within a div tag, you can format it as HTML content without the need for body, H1, and HTML tags.

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