Path to celery binary is myenv/bin/celery
whereas you are using myenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/celery/bin/celery
So if you try on your terminal the command you are passing to supervisor (command=xxx), you should get the same error.
You need to replace your command=xxx
in your celery.conf with
command=/home/mhb11/.virtualenvs/myenv/bin/celery -A myproject.celery -l info
Note that I have also replaced -A
parameter with celery app, instead of supervisor configuration. This celery app is relevant to your project directory set in celery.conf
directory = /home/mhb11/somefolder/myproject
On a side note, if you are using Celery with Django, you can manage celery with Django’s manage.py
, no need to invoke celery directly. Like
python manage.py celery worker
python manage.py celery beat
For detail please read intro of Django Celery here.