This is a bit easier if you add a ManyToManyField
to Zone
(or Difficulty
class Zone(models.Model):
difficulties = models.ManyToManyField(Difficulty, through=Boss, related_name='zones')
Then, you can query for all the difficulties related to a single zone:
for difficulty in zone.difficulties.all():
bosses = difficulty.boss_set.filter(zone=zone)
To help with performance, use prefetch_related('difficulties')
. In Django 1.7 you can use the new Prefetch
object to also prefetch the bosses:
# I think that's how the new `Prefetch` works, I haven't actually used it yet.
zone = Zone.objects.prefetch_related(
Prefetch('difficulties__bosses', queryset=Boss.objects.filter(zone_id=zone_id),