Since you add password_change
inside application’s url.py
you should to specify post_change url including application name using post_change_redirect
url(r'^password-change/$', password_change, {'post_change_redirect': 'account:password_change_done'}, name='password_change'),
url(r'^password-change/done/$', password_change_done, name='password_change_done'),
where account
is a namespace of application urls.
The problem is likely that your URLs are namespaced and you forgot to use the namespace. Try:
{% url 'account:password_change_done' %}
Remember to namespace your names, otherwise django might not be able to find them. You can find the namespace that you are using (if it is not account
) by looking at where you are including the urls for login, etc. It should look something like:
url(r'account/', include('account.urls', namespace='account')),
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