Django model instances and QuerySets are probably not (json) serializable (I never tried). For example, how would it serialize a foreign key or ManyToMany relation?
My solution would be to serialize those attributes that are relevant, e.g.
jsonString = json.dumps([dict(name=p.name, score=p.score)
for p in Player.objects.filter(name=namepost)
(Just making some assumptions about the fields in your Player model here – adjust it to the actual definition, of course)
If you need to follow references, you can follow them, for example
jsonString = json.dumps([dict(name=p.name, score=p.score, organization=p.org.name)
for p in Player.objects.filter(name=namepost)
Alternatively, you could implement a serialize() on your models and invoke those recursively:
class Organization(models.Model):
def serialize(self):
return dict(name=self.name, address=self.address)
class Player(models.Model):
def serialize(self):
return dict(name=self.name, score=self.score, organization=self.org.serialize())
and then json.dumps the serialized dict:
jsonString = json.dumps([p.serialize() for p in Player.objects.filter(name=namepost)])