This is not specific to Django, but for Python in general. For a Django specific answer, see this one from @jball037
Python 2:
import urlparse
url = 'https://www.example.com/some_path?some_key=some_value'
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
captured_value = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query)['some_key'][0]
print captured_value
Python 3:
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
url = 'https://www.example.com/some_path?some_key=some_value'
parsed_url = urlparse(url)
captured_value = parse_qs(parsed_url.query)['some_key'][0]
returns a list. The [0]
gets the first item of the list so the output of each script is some_value
I’m shocked this solution isn’t on here already. Use:
This will “get” the variable from the “GET” dictionary, and return the ‘variable_name’ value if it exists, or a None object if it doesn’t exist.
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for Python > 3.4
from urllib import parse
url = 'http://foo.appspot.com/abc?def=ghi'
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import urlparse
url = 'http://example.com/?q=abc&p=123'
par = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
print par['q'][0], par['p'][0]
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There is a new library called furl. I find this library to be most pythonic for doing url algebra.
To install:
pip install furl
from furl import furl
f = furl("/abc?def='ghi'")
print f.args['def']
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I know this is a bit late but since I found myself on here today, I thought that this might be a useful answer for others.
import urlparse
url = 'http://example.com/?q=abc&p=123'
parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
params = urlparse.parse_qsl(parsed.query)
for x,y in params:
print "Parameter = "+x,"Value = "+y
With parse_qsl(), “Data are returned as a list of name, value pairs.”
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The url you are referring is a query type and I see that the request object supports a method called arguments to get the query arguments. You may also want try self.request.get('def')
directly to get your value from the object..
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In pure Python:
def get_param_from_url(url, param_name):
return [i.split("=")[-1] for i in url.split("?", 1)[-1].split("&") if i.startswith(param_name + "=")][0]
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def getParams(url):
params = url.split("?")[1]
params = params.split('=')
pairs = zip(params[0::2], params[1::2])
answer = dict((k,v) for k,v in pairs)
Hope this helps
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There’s not need to do any of that. Only with
Notice that I’m not specifying the method (GET, POST, etc). This is well documented and this is an example
The fact that you use Django templates doesn’t mean the handler is processed by Django as well
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import cgitb
import cgi
print "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8"
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
i = int(form.getvalue('a'))+int(form.getvalue('b'))
print i
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Most answers here suggest using parse_qs
to parse an URL string. This method always returns the values as a list (not directly as a string) because a parameter can appear multiple times, e.g.:
Would return:
{'foo': ['bar', 'baz'], 'bar' : ['baz']}
This is a bit inconvenient because in most cases you’re dealing with an URL that doesn’t have the same parameter multiple times. This function returns the first value by default, and only returns a list if there’s more than one element.
from urllib import parse
def parse_urlargs(url):
query = parse.parse_qs(parse.urlparse(url).query)
return {k:v[0] if v and len(v) == 1 else v for k,v in query.items()}
For example, http://example.com/?foo=bar&foo=baz&bar=baz
would return:
{'foo': ['bar', 'baz'], 'bar': 'baz'}
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There is a nice library w3lib.url
from w3lib.url import url_query_parameter
url = "/abc?def=ghi"
print url_query_parameter(url, 'def')
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Parsing it in raw python:
path = '/some_path?k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3'
_, query_string = path.split('?')
params = dict(param.split('=') for param in query_string.split('&'))
{'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2', 'k3': 'v3'}
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Btw, I was having issues using parse_qs() and getting empty value parameters and learned that you have to pass a second optional parameter ‘keep_blank_values’ to return a list of the parameters in a query string that contain no values. It defaults to false. Some crappy written APIs require parameters to be present even if they contain no values
for k,v in urlparse.parse_qs(p.query, True).items():
print k
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parameters = dict([part.split(‘=’) for part in
This one is simple. The variable parameters will contain a dictionary of all the parameters.
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I see there isn’t an answer for users of Tornado:
key = self.request.query_arguments.get("key", None)
This method must work inside an handler that is derived from:
None is the answer this method will return when the requested key can’t be found. This saves you some exception handling.
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I didn’t want to mess with additional libraries. Simple ways suggested here didn’t work out either. Finally, not on the request object, but I could get a GET parameter w/o all that hassle via self.GET.get('XXX')
def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
context = super(SomeView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
context['XXX'] = self.GET.get('XXX')
Python 2.7.18, Django 1.11.20
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NOT using Django and tried on Python 3.9. It can also be retrieved using the below code snippet in the handler:
considering URL as-
and handler method as:
async def handler_users(request):
query_key = request.url.query['query_key']
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You can use only request.GET.get() method
path('some_path', views.func),
def func(request):
some_key = request.GET.get('some_key', None)
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