When using Apollo Client with Slices, you need to have a proper cache setup to resolve the slices. Meaning having a fragment matcher setup based on the introspection query to Prismic: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/advanced/fragments#fragment-matcher.
We planned to do it in the Prismic library for Apollo so people won’t have to care about it no more.
In your case you got a 404 but it would be interesting to see who return a 404 because all the symptoms seem to lead to what I just explained.
Tell me if you got more info on your side 😉
In the meantime, here is a proper implementation: https://github.com/birkir/gatsby-source-prismic-graphql/blob/master/packages/gatsby-source-prismic-graphql/src/utils/getApolloClient.ts#L17
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